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Can an Uneven Jaw Hurt Your Teeth?

Posted on 12/21/2020 by Clackamas Oral Surgery
Can an Uneven Jaw Hurt Your Teeth?There are a number of reasons why someone might have an uneven jaw. Whether your jaw is misaligned due to genetics, a traumatic injury, or TMJ disorder, an uneven jaw can be harmful to your teeth and your oral health as a whole.

Causes of an Uneven Jaw

A traumatic incident such as a fall, car accident, assault, or sports injury can result in a dislocated or fractured jaw. Any trauma to the jaw can make it very difficult and painful to speak, eat, and open and close your mouth. A dislocated jaw might shift to one side and need to be surgically stabilized, whereas a broken jaw would require surgery in order to heal properly.

An uneven jaw can also be caused by TMJ disorder, a condition affecting the joint that connects your jawbone to your skull. TMJ disorders can be caused by a traumatic incident like a car accident, or they can be the result of arthritis, anxiety, or bruxism (habitual teeth grinding and clenching). Other people have misaligned jaws due to birth defects or problems with teeth alignment that were never corrected.

Why is an Uneven Jaw Problematic?

In addition to causing headaches, sleep issues, and pain in your jaw, neck, shoulders, and ears, and uneven jaw can have other consequences as well. If your jaw does not line up, that means your teeth do not line up correctly either. A misaligned bite can cause difficulty and pain with chewing, and leads to uneven wear and tear on your teeth and jawbone. Over time, this uneven tooth wear can contribute to teeth becoming cracked, fractured, and vulnerable to decay. A lack of alignment can even cause dental work such as crowns and fillings to come loose.

There are ways to treat an uneven jaw. Depending on your specific case, you may be a good candidate for jaw surgery, orthodontic work, or a combination of both. Contact our office today to schedule an appointment and discuss your options.
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Clackamas Implant & Oral Surgery Center is the office of Brett M. Sullivan, DMD, a Board-Certified Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon. Click to learn more about us!
Clackamas Implant & Oral Surgery Center - Brett Sullivan, DMD, MD, 11211 SE Sunnyside Road, Clackamas, OR 97015 | (503) 652-8080 | | 9/5/2024 | Page Terms:about us,oral surgeon clackamas,clackamas oral surgeon