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Clackamas Implant & Oral Surgery Center - Brett Sullivan, DMD, MD
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Dangers Associated with Osteonecrosis

Posted on 6/22/2020 by Clackamas Oral Surgery
Dangers Associated with OsteonecrosisOsteonecrosis is a bone condition that is characterized by a lack of blood flow to the bones and the joints. The lack of blood flow to bones causes a problem, because blood helps the growth of new bone. Our bones slowly deteriorate over time; however, blood helps to create new bone structure so that once old bone has deteriorated new bone is ready to replace it. People who suffer from osteonecrosis do not have the ability to regenerate bone as quickly as unaffected individuals, and struggle to keep bone density, making their bones very brittle and ineffective in supporting their body.

Sufferers of osteonecrosis not only have to deal with rapidly deteriorating bones in their legs and arms but also in their mouths. The jawbone plays a vital role in supporting the mouth and keeping good oral health. Many oral health problems stem from a misaligned bite caused by unevenness in the jaw. Misaligned bites can cause excess wear on teeth and early tooth decay. Osteonecrosis can cause the jaw to become uneven because the bone is not able to repair itself making sufferers of osteonecrosis at risk for many dental problems.

[[H2:Ways to Avoid Osteonecrosis]]]

In some cases, osteonecrosis is genetic and cannot be helped. However, there are some steps to take so that it can be avoided. Tobacco use has been proven to be related to this disease, so it's imperative to stop. Substance abuse, including alcohol and medications, has also been linked to osteonecrosis.

Symptoms of osteonecrosis are hard to spot, and in most cases, you will need a professional opinion in order to diagnose it. If you have noticed recent pain in your jaw unrelated to TMJ or TMD, it could be possible you are experiencing osteonecrosis. Give us a call to set up an appointment today, and we'll help you in the diagnosis process.
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Clackamas Implant & Oral Surgery Center is the office of Brett M. Sullivan, DMD, a Board-Certified Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon. Click to learn more about us!
Clackamas Implant & Oral Surgery Center - Brett Sullivan, DMD, MD, 11211 SE Sunnyside Road, Clackamas, OR 97015 ~ (503) 652-8080 ~ ~ 9/11/2024 ~ Key Phrases: about us,oral surgeon clackamas,clackamas oral surgeon