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You Should Not Wake Up to Daily Jaw Pain

Posted on 6/20/2019 by Clackamas Oral Surgery
You Should Not Wake Up to Daily Jaw PainA lot of people accept that their body will cause them pain. They come up with different reasons for feeling pain every day. They talk about the weather, the hard work they do and many other things to help them accept a life of pain. The problem is that if they took the time to find out more about their pain, they may learn that they do not have to live with it.

Jaw Pain in the Morning

One type of pain that people commonly deal with is jaw pain when they wake up. A person that experiences jaw pain in the morning may look for reasons they can see that can cause the pain. One obvious problem could come from the pillow they use or the bed they sleep in. These things could cause a person to put their head and jaw in an awkward position that causes the stiffness or pain they feel in the morning. They think the solution lies in new bedding material. For the people whom this does not help, there is another possibility.

Other Reasons for Jaw Pain

There are two things that can cause jaw pain in the morning that a person may not always realize is happening. Some people grind their teeth while they sleep. They are not aware that they do this because they are asleep. The grinding of teeth can cause the jaw muscles to become sore and can lead to the pain in the morning.

Grinding of the teeth can also lead to temporomandibular joint disorders. This condition affects the connection of the jaw to the skull. After sleeping through the night, TMJ can leave the jaw in a position where it causes pain.

There are ways to treat teeth grinding and TMJ. Once a person learns that this is the cause of their jaw pain in the morning, they can come to us to take steps to get rid of the pain.

For more information about this and other oral health issues, contact the professionals at our office.
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Clackamas Implant & Oral Surgery Center is the office of Brett M. Sullivan, DMD, a Board-Certified Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon. Click to learn more about us!
Clackamas Implant & Oral Surgery Center - Brett Sullivan, DMD, MD, 11211 SE Sunnyside Road, Clackamas, OR 97015 ^ (503) 652-8080 ^ ^ 9/11/2024 ^ Related Phrases: about us,oral surgeon clackamas,clackamas oral surgeon