Who Is a Candidate for Oral Maxillofacial Surgery?
Posted on 12/15/2023 by Clackamas Oral Surgery
Oral and maxillofacial surgery helps to treat jaw, head, face, and neck issues. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons, who have specialized training, perform this type of surgery. People who may benefit from oral and maxillofacial surgery include:
Children With Cleft Lip or Palate
Babies can be born with different types of clefts in the lip or palate. Clefts can vary in size and shape. These include Cleft Lip, Microform Cleft Lip, and Palate Submucous Cleft Palate. The care required depends on the type and severity of the condition.
People With Impacted Teeth
People with impacted teeth, such as wisdom teeth, might need surgery to take them out. Keeping impacted wisdom teeth can lead to infections or harm nearby teeth. Because it is hard to clean this area, cavities and diseases in the bone or gums can occur. Without treatment, bacteria could spread through your bloodstream, causing severe illnesses. They may also harm vital organs like the heart and kidneys.
Dental and Jaw Abnormalities
Orthognathic surgery fixes jaw and dental deformities. These deformities can impact the jaw and its functionality. The procedure helps to reposition the jaws to ensure they align correctly and function harmoniously. Orthognathic surgery improves speech and the ability to chew food more effectively. It also helps with issues like a recessed or protruding chin, uneven face, longer face, excessive gum show, and sleep apnea.
People With Missing Teeth
Dental implants are great for those with missing teeth. Losing a tooth can cause several issues. The other teeth might shift and become crooked, affecting how you bite and how your smile looks. This can lead to more dental problems like uneven teeth wear and jaw pain. Dental implants replace missing teeth and keep your mouth aligned. They support your nearby teeth to ensure they do not shift into the open space where the tooth was. This helps your smile look good and keeps your bite healthy. Contact us today and learn more about oral maxillofacial surgery.
About Us • Oral Surgeon Clackamas, OR • Clackamas Implant & Oral Surgery Center Clackamas Implant & Oral Surgery Center is the office of Brett M. Sullivan, DMD, a Board-Certified Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon. Click to learn more about us! Clackamas Implant & Oral Surgery Center - Brett Sullivan, DMD, MD, 11211 SE Sunnyside Road, Clackamas, OR 97015 • (503) 652-8080 • clackamasoralsurgery.com • 2/12/2025 • Related Terms: about us,oral surgeon clackamas,clackamas oral surgeon