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Why Is It Important to Remove Impacted Tooth?

Posted on 11/15/2023 by Clackamas Oral Surgery
X-ray of mouth showing the two upper wisdom teeth impacted at Clackamas Implant & Oral Surgery CenterAn impacted tooth refers to a tooth that either does not fully emerge through the gum line or becomes trapped within the jawbone. The third molars are the most frequently impacted teeth. However, it's worth noting that other teeth can also experience impaction. Impacted teeth can lead to bad breath, an unpleasant taste in the mouth, and swollen, red gums. You may also experience difficulty when opening the mouth and bleeding gums. Here are reasons why impacted teeth should be removed:

To Ease Pain

Impacted teeth can induce considerable discomfort and pain. As they attempt to emerge through the gums or bone, they apply pressure on adjacent teeth, tissues, and nerves, resulting in pain and swelling. Thus, impacted teeth need to be removed to eliminate this pain.

Reduce Risk Of Infection

When impacted teeth partially erupt, they can form a gap between the tooth and gum, providing an ideal environment for bacterial growth. Consequently, this can lead to infections such as pericoronitis, a condition marked by inflammation and swelling of the gum tissue surrounding the impacted tooth.

Get A Straighter Smile

Impacted teeth have the potential to disrupt orthodontic treatments, such as braces. This can complicate the process of achieving optimal alignment and stability. Undergoing the extraction process allows you to attain the smile you have always desired.

Reduce Damage To The Neighboring Teeth

Impacted teeth can put more pressure on adjacent teeth, leading to crowding or shifting of the teeth. This can disturb the alignment of your existing teeth and may require orthodontic treatment in the future.

Decrease Formation of Cysts and Tumors

In certain instances, impacted teeth have the potential to develop cysts or benign tumors in their vicinity. These growths can potentially harm the jawbone and neighboring teeth, necessitating more extensive surgical procedures for their removal.
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Clackamas Implant & Oral Surgery Center is the office of Brett M. Sullivan, DMD, a Board-Certified Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon. Click to learn more about us!
Clackamas Implant & Oral Surgery Center - Brett Sullivan, DMD, MD, 11211 SE Sunnyside Road, Clackamas, OR 97015, (503) 652-8080,, 2/11/2025, Key Phrases: about us,oral surgeon clackamas,clackamas oral surgeon